PS2 Repair
Initial Assessment permalink
Yesterday, I attempted to repair a PS2 that was not turning on. The red standby LED did not light up, and, upon pressing the power button, there was no response. This indicated that there was an issue with some aspect of the console's power supply or the power button itself.
Diagnosing the Problem permalink
To diagnose the problem, I began by checking the power cable, which was providing the expected 120V AC from the wall. Next, I tested the power connector and switch, which passed through the 120V when switched on. Then, I tested the power board fuse, which was still providing continuity and was intact. The front power button provided continuity when pressed and was properly attached, so I ruled that out as the cause. However, when I tested the power board output when turned on, it was providing no voltage when 12V DC was expected. This confirmed that the power board was the issue, though further problems could still exist down the line. I disassembled the console further but found no obvious faults on visual inspection.
Finding a Solution permalink
I looked up prices for a replacement power board and found that they cost around $30. However, an entire functional PS2 can be purchased for $70, making the repair costs unjustifiable. Therefore, I reassembled the console and decided to call it a day.
On a positive note, I did capture some interesting photos of the console's PCB while I had it disassembled.